Thursday, 7 April 2011

Logo & Uniform Competition [CHOSEN]

On the 6th of April was the final day to submit your entries for the uniform and logo designing competition. 

Thank you everyone for the amazing entries for the uniform and logo designing competition for the Japan Cultural Club. We had a hard time choosing between each and everyone's entries. The board members in charged definitely took every single entry into consideration. But alas, not everyone could be the winner. 

We have finally chosen the design we would have as the club's uniform. For both male and female members, board members and the club's members. We made sure to have the uniforms altered to be "Malaysia Friendly" so everyone need not worry.

Sneak peek of the uniform on the next club activity, maybe? 

Thank you once again for the amazing entires. We high appreciate you time, effort and imagination you had put into designing it.